If you have ever had sore, tired feet, a blister, or a pressure sore, you will appreciate these Spenco full length Orthotic arch supports. The patented design, shape, and technology of Spenco insoles and footbeds are perhaps the most medically researched, scientifically developed, engineered, and biomechanically correct platforms available. They are meticulously crafted, distributed and serviced.
Created from SpenCore material that absorbs shock and impact, these flexible arch cushions provide stability and support, and also contain a low friction top cloth to help prevent blistering.
Started in 1967 by Dr. Wayman Spence, Spenco is an innovative healthcare company whose business revolves around producing high quality insole and footcare products and the most advanced sports medicine and first aid products. Today, more than 47 years later, under the leadership of President and CEO Steven B. Smith, Spenco is a dynamic, entrepreneurial company that has evolved into one of the world's leading foot care brands and is sold in more than 84 countries
Spenco RX® Arch Cushions